Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 4 T2P


Week 2 T2P(1) (green text in the original post)
If small groups work productively together on an assigned task, then the individual students within the group can improve their own understanding of the lesson content because the peer dialogue, debate, and relevant conversation within the small group can broaden that students' comprehension of the content as opposed to a lecture based lesson which might stifle the various ideas by various students. 

Slightly Modified...
If a teacher assigns group activities within a classroom, where group members are allowed to share ideas and concepts about the content with one another, then the individuals within that group can enhance their comprehension through that experience. Students can offer what they already know and receive feedback and new ideas and concept from their group members. This contributes to a stronger understanding of their own concepts or of other individuals assessments of the content. Piaget suggests this idea that through our experiences and interactions with others, students can enhance our ideas and how they learn and understand concepts and ideas.  As individuals grow and develop intellectually, they absorb information from around them and they apply it to present and future situations which can help them in everyday life as well as within school.

T2P(2) -SDT and Learning [case study]
If a teacher creates the opportunity for an autonomous environment by designing certain activities that use technology, then the students can build competence, ability and establish self-determinationStudents can learn to rely on themselves by using technology in order to understand the content. They learn by exploring independently while at the same time following the teachers instructions. They also associate themselves with other students competencies. Vicki Davis uses this method and uses technology and collaboration techniques. She allows her students to be autonomous by using technologies to understand their own learning abilities. By doing this she brings the world, possibilities, and new perspectives to her classroom. In one instance, she says a word and rather than tell her students the meaning of that word, she insists that they look it up themselves. This displays autonomy and competence. Students are also inclined to help each other and connect with students around the world which developrelatedness. Sugata Mitra's "Hole in The Wall" experiment shows that children who are provided with technology can teach themselves by using it firsthand which is what Davis is essentially doing. I believe that giving students a certain amount of freedom in the classroom via technology can improve their independent skills. As young adults they need to be able to rely on themselves more and on their teachers less. I also believe that while students are learning, teachers can also learn through them. It is important to allow for self-determination so that it can enhance intrinsic motivation. This way students can become successful independent learners. 

Week 4 T2P (3)
If a teacher is open to an autonomous student-centered learning approach in the classroom while also entertaining the idea of an eye-to-eye relationship with his/her students, then the students can enhance their self-determination and become competent and autonomous learners. Students tend to be dependent on complete instruction from their [hierarchical] teacher until they are given the chance to work independently and their teachers are less of an authoritative figure and more of a learner. Teacher-centered instruction is not beneficial for autonomous learning and it can stifle critical thinking, productivity, and competency within the students. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan's Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is concerned with the learners intrinsic motivation and to learn as well extrinsic motivation. The three factors that need to be present for successful learning are autonomy, competency, and relatedness. As a result, creativity, persistence, and enhanced performance will be present. Vicki Davis uses the example of an autonomous student-centered learning approach in her classroom. She expects her students to research things that confuse them such as foreign vocabulary. She also expects them to explore their resources independently and collaborate with their peers and other students across the globe which factors in relatedness. I believe it is important for students to take advantage of their intrinsic motivation and teachers should realize that they can benefit from their students. Teachers need to allow students to discover things on their own while guiding them instead of dictating to them. It is important that students in secondary schools establish autonomy, competency, and relatedness so they can carry those skills to college and through life.

Theorist/Theory Spreadsheet

1 comment:

  1. Anisha,

    Your observations and analysis are right where they should be during week 4. I believe you are completely ready for the final project and its going to be great!

